英文名:Rabbit Monoclonal Ig

货号 | 规格 | 货期 | 库存 | 价格 | 会员价 | 订购 |
1308113523-100ul | 现货 | 0 | ¥0 |
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产品参数 | 【产品介绍】The dynamin family of GTPases is essential
f o r recept o r -mediated endocytosis a n d synaptic vesicle recycling, a n d it has recently been shown to play a role in vesicle f o r mation from the trans-Golgi netw o r k (1). Dynamin-1 is a GTP-, microtubule-, a n d phospholipid-binding protein that is expressed primarily in brain a n d almost exclusively expressed in the central nervous system (2). Dynamin-1 is believed to assemble around the necks of clathrin-coated pits a n d assist in pinching vesicles from the plasma membrane. This role would make dynamin unique among GTPases in its ability to act as a mechanochemical enzyme (1). Dynamin-1 function is apparently essential f o r scission of newly f o r med vesicles from the plasma membrane; it has been proposed that dynamin is a regulat o r of downstream effect o r s of scission, rather than being directly responsible f o r it (3). WB: 1:5000 20,000 ICC: 1:50 IP: 1:50 A. Western blot analysis on 3T3 cell lysate using anti-Dynamin-1 RabMAb (cat. # 1869-1), dilution 1:20,000 B. Immunoflu o r escent staining of PC12 cells using anti-Dynamin-1 RabMAb.jpg (cat. #1869-1). |
性状 | 【反应特异性】Human
【克隆 ID】EP772Y 【用途】WB , IP 【抗原分子量】100ul kDa |
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